Your story matters.

Your story will change the world.

Writing your story will change your life.

Write that book.

Let’s do it together!




One-on-one support for writers who have a story burning inside them that they want to tell. Memoir, novel, poetry, anything. The draft of your story is waiting for you to catch it - let me help you.

You are someone else’s sign of hope.



Coaching for creatives and women who want to change the world. Start playing bigger in your life, your work, and your art. We are the stories we tell about ourselves.

Don’t let someone else define you - you are the author of your life’s story.


Seating shot

Workshops and retreats where you’ll join together with other wholehearted women at my private writing studio, a light-filled space on Main St in Northampton.

Not in the Happy Valley? I host online workshops, too.

By owning our stories, we change the world.


Featured In

Annapurna Living
  “Becoming a Midlife Midwife